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Getting Started

Astro Starter πŸš€

Get your app up and running by following the steps below.


Before you can get started, you will need to have the following installed on your machine.

  • Node.js (v20 or higher)
  • Git
  • pnpm
  • A code editor (VSCode, VSCodium, WebStorm, etc.)

Set up a new database

This starter kit uses Drizzle as the database ORM. It is currently configured to use PostgreSQL, but you can manually modify it to use MySQL or SQLite instead. For PostgreSQL, we recommend Neon and Zeabur.

Create a new PostgreSQL database and have the connection string ready. The connection string should look something like this:


Initialize a new project

Next, go to your terminal. Then, clone the Github repository.

Terminal window
git clone

Navigate into the project directory.

Terminal window
cd astro-starterkit

Install the dependencies.

Terminal window
pnpm install

Now, re-initialize Git for your project.

Terminal window
rm -rf .git
git init
git add .
git commit -m "Initial commit"

Create a .env file in the root of the project by copying the .env.example file.

Terminal window
cp .env.example .env

Migrate the database

Open the .env file in your code editor and update the DATABASE_URL environment variable with your database connection string from above.

# Database

Migrate your database.

Terminal window
pnpm drizzle-kit push

Now if you check your database, you should see the user, session, and subscription tables.

Start the development server

Run the following command in your terminal to start the development server.

Terminal window
pnpm dev

Open http://localhost:4321 in your browser to see your app.

πŸš€ Congratulations, your app is now up and running! Proceed to the next page to continue with setup.